Elke's E-Learning Journey

My first blog ever, originally for the LearnScope 2006 project, and which is now the sometime record of my journey into learning about and implementing an elearning strategy for my training organisation

Friday, July 28, 2006

RPL forum

I managed a place at the Adelaide RPL Well Done Forum 15 August. I will be looking to learn and contribute and will stir/draw attention to online assessment as far as is relevant and possible in the forum.
Looked for a link to put here but not found in the first attempt so gave up. It is a national event being held in several capital cities.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Assessing on line 2

Found this general area to be followed up.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

using podcasting in training


An experiment at Urrbrae using podcasting. Good to see that it is making the general training literature - not just the specialist elearning arena.

Why not use the tracks with a digital story if you need visuals?

Monday, July 17, 2006

planning the process of going online.

Been waiting for the Quality forum presentations to become available on the web.


Wendy Morrow's presentation of her RTO journey into the online world had many indentifiable points and some warnings for me. Her plan is also one which makes sense to develop to suit and then to follow .

Have saved a copy in my readings folder in for when this site is replaced with something else.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Moodle day

The day went well. The best part was being away from the office and its demands and therefore having "permission" to think of nothing else (or be distracted by nothing else.)

Three high schools and three private RTOs were represented. Only two of these institutions are actually online in any way shape or form. Three of the participants were technical support people; ie not trainers but the support staff who would be dealing with a large amount of the workload in maintaining the site and managing a major part of student support requests.

Peter, the main facilitator (grant high school) gave us an overview of online delivery from his experience. (this can be found in the workshop moodle sandpit on my website in Peter's space).

After that it was the practicalities of the tools available for delivery, assessment and student results management as they were available in moodle. We also dicscovered a few more blockages created by the existing server, for example the wiki does not have the freedom it needs to operate and email direct out of moodle is blocked as well.

The last topic of discussion for the day became very technical but we looked at a range of servers both in and outside of australia and their relative costs and services. The politics of why australian servers are so very expensive by comparison was explained by one of the high school system managers (something to do with ancient history on pricing structures by telstra on per mgb model rather than flat service rate).

e-Asessment or assessment online

This forum is providing a huge amount of material to read through and think about.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Selecting a mp3 player/recorder for podcasting

forum on this site
EdNA Groups » Casting the Net » Forums » Hardware Discussion » Selecting a mp3 player/recorder for podcasting

Now that I have purchased a player, I will compare it with these specifications - to see how close I came all on my own. Thanks for the link S. I had come across the iriver, but budget was an elemental issue from memory.

assessing on line link - a starting point

Need to follow this forum group of postings. Subscribing to forums and rss feeds is proving a useful way of keeping track of ideas without chasing lots of individual websites.
Jenni Harding's Assessing Online
Assessing online
Such a controversial topic – can you, can’t you, will everybody cheat, or it collaborating? In our world of training packages assessment, particularly work-based assessment, plays a bigger and bigger role. Integration of learning and assessment is still feasible, and in this area online assessment/learning activities are a great tool to make learning and assessment much more fun.
Range of ways and tools to assess onlineOn-line assessment is but one of many modes that may be used to indicate to students which aspects of their learning are valued and will be rewarded. The use of on-line tools to assess learner progress toward subject objectives can take many forms including:
· The online quiz: see http://quizstar.4teachers.org/instructor/class_page.jsp?pl=cm&cid=51638 AND TRY THE QUIZ about assessing online!
· Electronic submission of written assignments
· Parallel print and on-line assessment options where students are given the choice of whether and how they use on-line tools in assessment tasks
· Publication of documents on the web
· Labelling of on-line diagrams
· Manipulation of on-line graphs
· Completion of short-answer and multiple choice questions
· On-line exams with monitored and controlled start and stop times
· Any formative or summative task carried out in a web-based environment. (And that include voice!)
Find out more!The most incredible example of a whole range of strategies can be viewed at:
A great resource to read at http://www.cshe.unimelb.edu.au/assessinglearning/03/online.html , which will further explain how to start (exactly as you would with any other type of assessment – according to learner and teacher needs, and the learning outcomes). It has 34 strategies relating to assessing online.
How can you do it?Quizstar is free, access at http://quizstar.4teachers.org/instructor/class_page.jsp?pl=cm&cid=51 638· Write up your assessments as Word documents for uploading, emailing and downloading· Use the tasks in the Flexible Learning toolboxes as the basis for assessment events – have a look at the Training and Assessment Toolbox, http://www.flexiblelearning.net.au/toolbox/series6/607.htm specifically the unit TAAENV403A Foster and promote an inclusive learning environment· Start with an area which you know you will be successful with, and don’t give up in your faith to know whether any work is copied when you’ve asked for it not to be – you’ve built up the trust and respect whether online or off, so you have a lot of indicators as to whether work is the learner’s own.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tips for Elearning delivery

follow this website through. http://www.janeknight.com/briefings/Tentips/Presentation_Files/index.html

It is an elluminate type presentation i need to work out how to save if I do not have time to listen to right away.

Thanks to a posting in a forum called:
Networks » Forums » July - E-learning that Works » Your Top Tips for E-Learning that Works

Your Top Tips for E-Learning that Worksby Leonard Low - Wednesday, 5 July 2006, 02:20 PM

While I am at it, have taken a printed copy of this link as well about the use of wikis in corporate planning activities

looking for a new host server

Recent events with my current host server Veridas, have indicated that they have no concept of the needs of a learning website.

My ISP has recommended that I find another host server. Thanks for your suggestion Marlene. My own local moodle person also has a server which til now has serviced moodle well.

I have tried to support locals and this has proven beneficial in the past in relation to human service with problems. Distant support via unanswered phone and email messages is to be avoided if at all possible.

Price and reputation for support will be the deciders.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The joys of managing a learning site -2

The host server has tightened its security so tight that access to the actual basic website for the business was denied to everyone!

Three hours later, 34993 was the error/support request code submitted, the website was back but no-one can login to the student site.

there have been ongoing problems with this host server since they were badly hacked, not that they admitted that was the problem.
i will be lookinjg for another server, this time more seriously than I was a month ago. Stay tuned.
Moodle users in australia - what are the names of moodle friendly shost servers out there? Veridas in Qld is the one giving me problems.