A New Blogger
I was working in my business for a change to day (learnscope is working on my business), and inducting a new workplace trainee.
A standard technique for some time has been to get these students to keep a diary of the new things learnt from other workers.
In the early days of a new job, this is quite a large amount of often small 5-10 minute "training sessions". Documenting this has always been a problem. We were discussing ways in which to make this recording efficient (diary, paper list with dates etc) when I threw in the suggestiion of a blog.
The student had vaguely heard of blogs but had no experience with them. The worksite manager liked the idea that it was paper free, the trainee is at a terminal most of the day anyway and it was keeping up with technology.
I was amazed - it is a conservative, well established rural business with mainly older workers and the stereotypes were working fulltime in my mind. (She later quizzed me on other ways that it could be used - by herself!).
The best part is for me - I have this blog on my RSS feed so can keep contact with this student this way even though she is a 30 minute drive out of town. And it is all documented.