back on line
Three weeks without internet in the office. Once Telstra found out that I was waiting for ADSL and it was not with Bigpond, they simply stopped talking to me. Their excuse was that all they were charging me for was a working phone line, all my other problems were not theirs. My ADSL problems had to be dealt with by my isp. In the end it took an inteligent, local technician to discover that the problem was a line one created by the first technician.
Why does Marlene do this to us. The learnscope newsletter has more toys. But here is one for you Marlene. In that moodle/elgg link I found another article that our people may find of interest - a diagramatical representation of using blogs as an educational tool. I have now added this site to my RSS feed list. website is for the article:
"- what are the actual applications of blogs in education. It is a very diverse group of participants ranging widely across job descriptions, disciplines and skill sets.
talks about a matrix of uses of blogs"
matrix can be found via link in the article or at:
I am also using another unlisted blog attached to to collect clippings and record for another work project. Just like tupperware, USB memory sticks and computer discs, th.e blogs are starting to breed.
We are once again working on our moodle site uploading materials old and new.
We have purchased two toolboxes and coming to grips with customising those before uploading.
Did someone say something about Christmas? Cheers to all who care to read this.
Whatever the blog clock says, this was posted at 1700 hrs local time.