Elke's E-Learning Journey

My first blog ever, originally for the LearnScope 2006 project, and which is now the sometime record of my journey into learning about and implementing an elearning strategy for my training organisation

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

audio resources for training

came across this in the June flex e-news
need to follow this as a peripheral issue to my main objectives.

In the meantime I am preoccupied with buying the best product for me - iPod or mp3 unit with voice record function, so I can listen to podcasts and so that I can replace the old diictaphone unit and playback machine. Alas the iPod does not have the playback for audio transcription function available. It may need to be mp3. the difficulty is doing this from a regional area and dealing with sales staff who have no idea what podcasting is! they seem to think that these units have no use beyond music!!??


At 12:52 PM, Blogger Sean FitzGerald said...

Hi Elke, you might find this thread on choosing an MP3 player useful. To date we have found nothing to replace the iRivers. There are still some around in shops if you do some hunting.


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