I'm moodled
Well, I am moodled! With minimal delay, the isp techie has got me up and running. Now all I need is to get my moodle helper to explain how I get out of the parse error message that pops up every time I try 2 specific things. When I get to the bit about setting up guest passwords, it will be advised on the MIH site. Forget about the vetsa classroom. I have a bigger and deeper sandpit of my own to play in. The student survey is up and being trialled with 6 guineapigs specially selected because they are such nice helpful people. Once the survey passes muster, I will post it on the moodle site as the first activity for everyone. For AQTF purposes there is now a major revamp of the induction material to be done. What fun!
When I get a photo worth uploading, then the MIH site will be first. On with the show.
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